Hub of Talents for Thailand
Bioinformatics Research Network (TBRN)


          The development of bioinformatics personnel in Thailand has faced increasing pressure from the Genomic Thailand project, a monumental undertaking that involves sequencing the genomes of 50,000 Thais and creating the largest genomic database in the country's history. In this project, bioinformaticians play a crucial role, and their contributions are invaluable in effectively utilizing this data, developing analysis techniques, and integrating with medical researchers to enter the era of precision medicine. The challenges include keeping up with technological advancements to avoid the high costs of importing medical products and reducing the financial burden of healthcare on the population. Concurrently, there are opportunities to create medical innovations that increase economic value. Bioinformaticians also play a significant role in advancing agricultural and food technologies, which are substantial opportunities for Thailand due to its supply chain advantages and the expertise of its international-level operators. Integrating genomics with agriculture and food technology will rapidly impact the Thai economy.

          Developing skilled bioinformaticians who can create innovations based on the country's bioinformatics database remains a significant challenge. Bioinformatics is an applied science, and it's clear that assembling experts from various fields to teach students does not guarantee the students' competency to integrate into the profession. Beyond technical knowledge, creating an appropriate ecosystem requires collaboration from multiple parties. This underscores the need for policy advocacy to government agencies and the establishment of education standards for new bioinformaticians, all of which are essential for our collective success. The establishment of TBRN stems from the dedication of bioinformatics researchers from various universities to gather bioinformaticians in the country, create a collaborative network, and receive support from the Council of University Presidents of Thailand and NRCT to establish the national network concretely. The primary objectives are accelerating technical development and creating a working ecosystem that significantly drives the country's society and economy.